Upcoming Class Offerings at the Lifelong Learning Center
Register for my March and April classes at the Lifelong Learning Center: Learn to Make Your Own Zine 4/12, Papier Mache Mask
Making Thursdays 3/27-4/17, and Poetry & Play Fridays 3/28-4/18.
Register, now! Tuesdays, 4/1-5/6, 3-4:30 PM at the University of Montana through the MOLLI program. Tap the link above to watch a video about the plan for this class. Please email Karen to register at karen.hendrickson@umontana.edu
Contribute to the Space Mission Zine!
My upcoming zine with ladypajama, written by you. Check out the flyer for prize & publishing info, and other details about this totally bonkers situation. Due June 1st!

VonCommon Studios Presents
Throwback Throwdown
Featuring GCLAW--Garden City Lady Arm Wrestling. DJ Set by BKLove, Drinks! Snacks! ART! Guest Star Judges! Confluence Center 119 W Main St Missoula